Monday, June 20, 2011

We Can Carry On Dreaming

This past week, once again, went by quickly! I have continued doing meal times with the older girls, mornings with the babies, clinic shifts (listening to some Zee Avi), and now have also started helping out on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the baby room getting them to go to sleep. This has become one of my favorite parts of the week! For the most part I get to hold sleepy babies and watch a Disney movie with them, put them in their pajamas, and then help one of the older Honduran girls get them to sleep J Basically it is a pajama party with 12 babies! (And baby pajamas are just too cute!) On Friday evenings I also take a shift sitting in the court yard at the teenage girl’s house and let the girls who work inside their house once they get off of work. This week was the first week of doing this, and it rained the WHOLE 2 hours!! It was a crazy Honduran storm! I have heard the saying “cleanliness is next to Godliness” and at Orphanage Emmanuel I am pretty sure they believe this to be actual doctrine. Volunteers and Staff members are constantly cleaning! Most floors here get mopped a minimum of three times daily and laundry is literally a never ending job! One of the staff members explained that with the rain and flies, that constant cleaning is a great preventative to getting sick and this makes sense! Yesterday the female volunteers tackled the two hour long job of deep cleaning the house (literally a couple of the other girls and I cleaned the showers with a toothbrush…) For all the times I complained about cleaning at Harding, I would like to take this moment and formally repent J

This week the book that I read was called Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo. In no way is it my place to comment if this is a work of fact or fiction, but regardless it is a really sweet story. I loved hearing Heaven explained through the eyes of a three year old! One of the cutest explanations was when Colton Burpo says that Jesus died on the cross because he wants everyone to get to meet his dad! Such a childlike faith that a lot of times is easy to miss!

One HUGE praise of this week is that Baby Maria is better and was able to leave the clinic and return back to her house!! She is eating (and pooping) normal once again! She is such a sweet baby and loves being held and played with, and it is great to see her in the mood for playing and laughing again!! Another thing that I really appreciate about Honduras is that Sundays really are a day of rest for the volunteers! It is so nice to go to sleep in (until 7:30 J) and then go to church, eat with the volunteers at the store, and then have some much needed down time! Saturday night I was tempted to open my letters for this week, but I made myself wait until breakfast on Sunday morning! This week I was able to read a note from John and Dana Dudley, and it included an awesome list of encouraging scriptures that was promptly taped to my mirror as a daily reminder! I also got to read the first of a few letters from my parents and that was great timing, with it being Father’s Day! My time here has given me a new appreciation to the importance of Fathers (and Mothers too!!!) and the vital role that they play in raising children! I was so blessed to have my parents! One verse that Orphanage Emmanuel emphasizes is Psalms 27:10 Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.” Which brings hope for children who did not grow up with parents who took care of them and reminds them that God WILL take care of them! 

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