Sunday, June 5, 2011

Open the Floodgates

If I didn’t love to read, my backpack would be lighter… this thought crossed my mind many times while traveling to Honduras. After being in two airports, waiting in four lines, and standing in two countries I began to question my packing choices. But now that I am here and my things are unpacked I am glad I brought my books.  I brought six books total in my carry on bag, two necessities: my Bible and a Spanish Dictionary, and four others: Blue Like Jazz and To Own A Dragon by Donald Miller, Same Kind of Different As Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore and Parenting Through  Crisis by Barbra Coloroso. I am a little over 100 pages into To Own A Dragon and once again love Donald Miller’s perspective. I am also 30 pages in Parenting Through Crisis and wanted to share the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis that begins the book, “God, make me a channel of your PEACE. Where there is hatred, let me sow LOVE; Where there is injury, PARDON; Where the is doubt, FAITH; Where there is despair, HOPE; Where there is darkness, LIGHT; Where there is sadness, JOY. Grant  that I may not seek to be consoled as to CONSOLE; To be understood, as to UNDERSTAND; to be loved, as to LOVE; for it is in GIVING that we receive; In PARDONING that we are pardoned; In dying that we are born to ETERNAL LIFE.” So beautiful J

Now that you know what I am reading, I also want to tell you what I have been doing and how I have seen God. Before even leaving home I was blessed so much  by my family and friends who came to my send off dinner. During that dinner Allison also gave me a lot of cards that amazing people have sent with me to open weekly during my stay here. I got to open my first two today, and teared up while reading them. Today I read one from my mema and pepa and one from Lisa Burley. I know I will also be rereading them as needed during my time here. Another blessing that happened before leaving the states was that Taylor Krall was so amazing and let me stay the night with here, which is only 100X better than staying either a) alone in a hotel or b) the airport. Both my flights arrived safely to their destination and Julio was waiting with my name on a sign at the airport to pick me up, which had been the part of the trip I was the most nervous about! Julio then took me to the mall and when I went to purchase my phone they informed me that I had to have a Honduras ID to get a phone. Julio used his ID for me to get my phone, which is more than I could ever expect any stranger to do! I then was able to get an internet connector and met up with 4 other interns who are so nice and invited me to go to the movies with them before going back to the orphanage, which in the end cost me less because we were traveling as a group! This morning I went to church and the lesson was on forgiveness, which was a great reminder of God being the God of Mercy and Healing. After church another volunteer took me to see the toddler and infant house where there are 50+ children, and they are all so precious! I really am hoping to get to spend more time with them! After lunch we were walking back and one of the workers at Orphanage Emmanule invited us to join a two hour tour that he was giving another group about the Orphanage! On the tour three things the worker said really stood out to me: #1 “Live by faith, it really is the only way to live.” (He explained that all the construction that has ever been done on Emmanuels property has been begun without the funding, and each time God is faithful to provide funds, materials, and workers!) #2.”If you want to work for God, do not worry about not having money, He has more than enough.” #3. “Find your calling (where God can use you) before finding your mate. When you find what you can do for God, He will provide the right person."

“Malachi 3:10 shows God’s attitude towards blessings: “ Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” I have enjoyed the little time that I have spent here, and look forward to finding out tomorrow what my assignments at the Orphanage will be J


  1. Girl, I just know that you are going to love this experience. You are going to come back to the states in September and think, "I gotta get back out of here!" You will no longer be satisfied by the work you can accomplish here, which would still be so much. I know that God is going to use you greatly wherever you go, but I know you have such a HUGE heart for overseas missions.

    I pray that God teaches you things you never expected to learn. I love you and miss you greatly. I look forward to reading MANY more blog updates. Good job on getting one out so quickly!

    -Your sister in Christ,
    ~Marisa Lynn

  2. Thank Marisa!!!! I miss you and love you so much!!!

  3. I needed those reminders today. I worry about money way more than I should. What a wonderful way to regain some perspective.

    Praying for you!
